
Metaverse NFTFI Application Protocol

The main goal of this protocol is to develop infrastructure applications for the metaverse. The MAMI Protocol acts as a channel connecting various metaverse communities, and it is essential for more NFT projects to join the protocol for staking to further enhance the metaverse ecosystem. NFTs, except for the ones acquired from the Genesis Shovel, can be staked using NFT + LMC to increase the liquidity and usage scenarios of more projects. The brand collaboration Arts NFT project is initially launched on the protocol using the LMC token for minting to encourage more circulation scenarios.

Social Protocol

This project aims to promote the MAMI Protocol through social media platforms to increase awareness of the protocol among potential users and investors. This can help to increase adoption and the overall success of the protocol in the metaverse ecosystem.

NFT Creator Incubation and Distribution Protocol

The protocol allows for fundraising to help creators with the initial launch of their NFTs. By supporting NFT creators, this protocol contributes to the growth and development of the NFT ecosystem.

The MAMI Protocol aims to develop a robust and diverse ecosystem in the metaverse. It creates a platform that enables the development of high-quality projects, allowing more creators to benefit and facilitating the interconnectivity of different metaverse communities. The use of NFTs is not limited to virtual economies but extends to other areas such as fashion, music, and culture. In addition, LMC plays a critical role in the ecosystem as it is the only circulating token in the metaverse app. The integration of LMC in the app will enhance its usage and create more liquidity scenarios, contributing to the growth and maturity of the metaverse ecosystem.


  • Future product planning: LMC token will play an important role in the planning and development of future products. Token holders will be able to participate in the project's development, thereby gaining better experiences and services.

  • Governance voting: Token holders can participate in platform decision-making through governance voting, including voting on the platform's development direction, new features, etc. This will give token holders more decision-making power and voice.

  • Liquidity mining: Token holders can earn rewards by participating in liquidity mining. This will increase the liquidity and stability of the token, and also provide token holders with an opportunity to earn income.

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